Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 29th surgery (glaucoma)

Sadie update: Surgery was performed yesterday morning on the left eye. After the examination under anesthesia, her surgeon came out and discussed that even though the right cornea looks clear from last Monday's procedure, the pressure is still high. We discussed whether it was worth a shot to go through with the left side, but considering eyes are independent of each other, we wanted to give the left eye a fighting chance. Drainage canal procedure went well; in recovery she seemed to be experiencing more pain than the previous times, which was hard. We came in to her recovery room to find her fussing a LOT and the nurses holding her and trying to get her calm.  Again we received the most amazing care from the staff at Amplatz, and we have become familiar to and with the nurses and caregivers. We are also lucky to have both sets of parents come as of late to help us with support, love, and be with Emma. 


Sadie was checked this morning for the post-op and the eye looks good. She has a new regimen of drops, and the shield moved to her left eye. We have an apt with a glaucoma doctor next week to check pressures and discuss future options, including a possible need to get shunts placed in both eyes. 

Although Sadie is still being incredibly strong (and we couldn't be more proud of our girl!), it's difficult to continue this journey with all of the uncertainty we face. Sadie has lost some weight, and she gets backed up from all of the meds from her surgeries. Administering the eye drops is not getting any easier, but we continue to be diligent about them to help our little girl in any way we can.

Thank you again for the prayers. God has a plan for our baby. Someday we will understand it!

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