After the EUA was rescheduled from Monday the 16th to today, Friday the 13th, we frantically changed our schedule, canceling two appointments for the morning and asking for help when it came to my theatre performance that night. My parents graciously rescheduled their return to the midwest from Florida and were able to come and be with us.

After being delayed for about 45 minutes (MUCH better than we assumed after being scheduled for an early afternoon procedure), Joel and I went into this day being more mentally prepared that Sadie would most likely need a Baerveldt shunt placed in her right eye today, and we were correct. The good news is that her left eye (having been worked on November 11th) is handling the pressure quite well and was at a 16! (As a reminder, anything under 20 is good.) Thank the good Lord! Finding out her right eye was at a 40 was a blow, considering we've been so diligent about the glaucoma drops, but if the shunt is the way to go, that's obviously the right decision.

Sadie was a trooper as usual; we're always amazed by her eagerness to eat after being under anesthesia. Maybe when she's older it will be harder on her tummy, but she gulped down almost 4 ounces of Pedialite right away and another 4 ounces of formula. Good girl. :) Her post-op nurses were wonderful as usual, and the best news of the day was that because she's past the 6 month mark, she didn't need to stay for the previously required 2 hours in recovery!
Dr. G. told us that yes, there was another crack in her right cornea, but that SHOULD heal after the pressures go down. There was a suture coming out in the left eye, so she took care of that. She also told us that Sadie was a fighter in the OR, showing the nurses and doctors her strength when they were trying to administer meds and tubes. That's my girl. :)
Although this is her EIGHTH surgery in 6 months, we pray and hold on to hope that the Lord above knows what He is doing and that this is the right path for our daughter's health and vision. She amazes us everyday.....we are so lucky to be her parents and learn what real strength is!